
About us.

In a natural environment, Flores department, Trinidad city in the center of Uruguay, Frigorifico la Trinidad ‘s (Oferan S.A) plant is located. The plant slaughters and produces beef meat, ovine meat, hares/rabbits meat.
It was approved by the Agriculture, fishing and livestock Ministry (MGAP) in the year 2000 with the establishment number 91 (for more information check Background).     
The plant is located at 180 km by national rout from Montevideo port, and only 360 km from Brazil country.
In order to fulfill international market needs, in 2016 the plant had many changes: slaughter room was re built with new machinery and new infrastructure as well as offals room. Deboning room was re designed with new machinery and new cold/frozen storages were added. Also made a new laboratory. Professional staff from the uruguayan meat industry joined the company (new plant manager, quality department assistants, sales department).    

The plant has a slaughter capacity  of 400 beef heads per day, 1600 beef quarters deboning per day. Regarding ovine meat the slaughter capacity is 2000 heads per day



En Septiembre de 1983, la COOPERATIVA AGRARIA DE RESPONSABILIDAD LIMITADA GRANJEROS DE FLORES inaugura la Planta de Faena con el número 091 de habilitación oficial

En Julio del año 2000, luego de un largo proceso de restauración y mantenimiento de sus equipos, campo, predios interiores, playa de faena y mobiliario, el Frigorífico “La Trinidad” inicia sus actividades de faena de vacunos y ovinos para mercado interno contando inicialmente con una plantilla de 35 operarios,alcanzando hoy el número de 110 funcionarios en determinadas zafras

En el mes de Octubre del mismo año, se obtiene la habilitación para la faena de ñandúes, nutrias y liebres.

Posteriormente,en el mes de marzo de 2001, se habilita para la exportación de carne bovina para Brasil y Terceros Países. Más adelante, en marzo de 2003, se logra para carne ovina congelada para Brasil.En el mes de junio del 2004,la empresa comienza a exportar carne de liebre congelada a la Unión Europea.También en el año 2004,en el mes de julio, se obtiene la habilitación para la exportación de carne ovina y bovina a Hong Kong y Argelia.

En Abril de 2006 se habilita la faena y comercialización de carne de conejo para Unión Europea.


Our quality system is based on: 

SSOP (Procedimienos standards of hygiene and sanitation) • 

• GMP (good manufacturing practices) 

• HACCP, as well as major food companies in the world,Frigorífico La Trinidad employs the system of analysis of risks and critical Control points (HACCP). to ensure that these meet the quality expected by customers and consumers.


• Continuous training of personnel in order to develop the necessary skills to perform their specific task correctly. 

• Provide us with the necessary tools to control processes, such as to achieve continuous improvement of quality and productivity, achieving greater efficiency and greater competitiveness. 

• To encourage team work to engage and motivate our staff in all areas of the company. 

• Consistently meet the requirements of customers, as a way of satisfying their needs. 

This managed it spreading our policy of Total quality, inside and out of our company, applying effective regulations officers of MGAP, which are controlled by the veterinary service, supervised by the Dept. of establishments of slaughter of the day-DGSG-MGAP.


País, Country Bovinos Ovinos Liebres
Arabia Saudita, Saudi Arabia


Argelia/ Algeria



Comunidad Económica Europea/ UE


Brasil/ Brazil








Emiratos Árabes Unidos/  UAE


Hong Kong
















St. Marteen


Trinidad y Tobago









The natural condition of Uruguay as open-air livestock producer is because of its characteristics, 17 million square kilometers of surface topography undulating without large slopes, vegetation of temperate climate, without large climatic variations and 3 million inhabitants (4 cattle heads per inhabitant). 90% of your rodeo is (Angus, Hereford) British breeds and their crosses. The product obtained is tender meat produced naturally: without hormones, without being fed with animal products. 

Uruguay has traceability: System national livestock identification that guarantees the traceability of the animal from birth until final consumption in all the country. 
Producers and processing plants controls 
that performs the MGAP (Ministry of livestock, agriculture and fisheries) and the INAC (Instituto Nacional de Carnes), are at the service of the breeding and improvement of the races, as well as the improvement of the quality of the industrialized product. These agencies have a long history of seriousness and reliability. 

Account with an export meat with more than 100 years tradition, bringing expertise and professionalism in the production and export of beef and sheep. 

This made possible the development of high quality meats.

Benefits of natural meat consumption

Our animals are raised outdoors with a power supply according to their needs and their nature, no genetically modified food or hormones. Meat from animals raised on pasture have less fat, more (beneficial for neurological function and cardiac system) omega-3 fatty acids, less fatty acids omega-6 (pro-inflamatorio effect), more beta-carotene (precursor of vitamin A in the body and a potent antioxidant) and more vitamin E (a potent antioxidant). These substances are produced in the leaves of the plant living, and stored in the meat of animals fed on pastures in a way that our body can easily access. The result is a highly nutritious, free of toxic substances.